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SC-019 Group Product Info


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Neanderthal Pelvis Reconstruction
KO-081 $984.00

50,000 YA. Homo neanderthalensis. Available exclusively from Bone Clones®, this Neanderthal pelvis was reconstructed by Anthropologist Gary J. Sawyer, of the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), and Anthropologist Blaine C. Maley. It is part of the Neanderthal skeleton SC-019, which was featured in the AMNH January, 2003 exhibit "The First Europeans: Treasures from the Hills of Atapuerca."

As reported in Sawyer and Maley's abstract, the pelvis is a complicated mosaic drawn from three distinct Neanderthal specimens. The sacrum, right ilium and ischium are from Kebara 2. The left ilium and ischium are from Feldhofer, while all bony sections of the pubis, including the left iliopubic ramus and the right ischiopubic ramus are from La Ferrassie 1.

The full skeleton and all individual postcranial bones are also available, click here.

Sawyer & Maley Neanderthal Reconstruction Abstract, the abstract contains information supplied by Sawyer & Maley which helps explain the reconstruction.

Scientific Name Catalogue # Size Price
Homo neanderthalensis KO-081 12" L x 8" W $984.00
TOTAL 984.00