Maxwell Museum

The Maxwell Museum of Anthropology's Laboratory of Human Osteology, at the University of New Mexico, specializes as a repository of human remains and includes prehistoric, historic, documented, and forensic remains. The Maxwell Museum's Documented Skeletal Collection consists of human remains obtained by donation and includes documented information on the sex, age, population affinity, health and occupational data, and cause of death. The documented individuals have provenance and signed consent to have their remains cast. While most of the Maxwell Museum's Documented Skeletal Collection does have provenance and signed consent for casting, the cases from their Forensic Collection are primarily unidentified individuals or individuals with no next-of-kin (therefore no direct casting permissions). However, New Mexico law permits such remains (unidentified, unclaimed) to be utilized for teaching and educational purposes. Bone Clones is grateful to the Maxwell Museum for allowing us to select specimens for reproduction from their valuable collection and granting us exclusive casting rights to these pieces. Please note that specimens from the Maxwell Collection can only be sold to recognized educational institutions and professionals associated with educational institutions.

    All items sold on this website are replicas and are 1:1 scale unless stated otherwise. All Bone Clones® products are made in the USA. No real/natural bone is available on this site.    

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