All items sold on this website are replicas and are 1:1 scale unless stated otherwise. All Bone Clones® products are made in the USA. No real/natural bone is available on this site.    

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Hinged Human Temporal Bone
KO-320 $250.00

The temporal bone has been cut in three pieces and hinged together. This detailed cast reveals eight patent foramina. The cuts, which have been made in two directions, allow for close inspection of the ossicles. This one-of-a-kind product is ideal for instruction of the inner workings of the ear. The temporal bone, which protects the hearing and balance organs, is one of the most complex bones in the body. Teaching institutions have relied on donated real bones from cadavers. As medical instruction has increased, the real bones are increasingly hard to get and are often not in good shape (they would have to be carefully cut to preserve the ossicles and all the details).

Scientific Name Catalogue # Size Price
Homo sapiens KO-320 - $250.00
TOTAL 250.00