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Female Chimpanzee Pelvis and Femur
KO-187-PF $314.00

This female chimpanzee pelvis and femur set is from an individual who had given birth to at least three live offspring. She was recorded as weighing 120 pounds at the age of approximately 25 years. The chimpanzee pelvis and femur are built to navigate across ground in a quadrupedal knuckle-walking movement. While able to stand upright and walk for a short distance, the chimp sways from side to side in an inefficient bipedal gait due to the shape of the pelvis and positioning of the attached muscles.

The following products are available from this female chimpanzee:

KO-187-IF - Innominate & Femur Set
KO-187-P Articulated Pelvis
KO-187-PD Disarticulated Pelvis
KO-187-PF Pelvis and Femur
KO-188-F Right Femur
KO-189-F Left Femur

If you have a preference of right or left side femur, let us know in the comment section during checkout. Otherwise, we will choose.

Conservation Status: Endangered


Scientific Name Catalogue # Size Price
Pan troglodytes KO-187-PF SET $314.00
TOTAL 314.00