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4-year-old Human Child Deciduous Teeth, Set of 20 (on base)
KO-247-SET $340.00

Bone Clones is proud to present this beautifully cast model of an entire set of deciduous (juvenile) teeth. They originated from a 4-year-old Child BC-247. No adult teeth are present. The evaluation of skeletonized remains from children can be challenging, particularly when fragmented or co-mingled with the remains of other children, and sometimes, adults. Having a solid understanding of tooth anatomy and morphologic differences present between adult and child tooth forms can be very important.

Maxilla Dimensions
Anterior-Posterior Length: 52mm
Right-Left Width: 55mm

Mandible Dimensions
Anterior-Posterior Length: 52mm
Right-Left Width: 56mm

Scientific Name Catalogue # Price
Homo sapiens KO-247-SET $340.00
TOTAL 340.00